Patricia Leat, L.Ac. Dipl. OM & Medical Intuitive

Patricia Leat, L.Ac. Dipl. OM,is a licensed, nationally certified Acupuncturist and Herbologist in the U.S. A medical intuitive and acupuncturist to the stars, she draws on a variety of therapies (Nutrition, Qi Gong, Ayurvedic Medicine, Visceral Manipulation and Meridian techniques, Mantras, and CranioSacral work) in her practice in order to provide the most appropriate treatment for each patient.

Studying with a Chinese master revealed Patricia as a medical intuitive, meaning she's highly connected to her patients and feels and hears each persons needs to be assisted in their wellness.

Acupressure and Acupuncture boast many similar benefits so we've welcomed Patricia to answer your questions about how our products could assist you on your wellness journey

Disclaimer: The answers and discussions here do not replace your primary physicians advice. This device does not replace or negate the necessity of advice from your primary care physician.