BON Supports World Elephant Day

how can I support elephants


Once again we’re calling on our BON Tribe (or herd) to rally support for World Elephant Day this Friday, August 12th. Together we can help raise awareness for these majestic creatures and also help raise money to support elephant conservation and preservation efforts.

From now until Sunday, in celebration and support of World Elephant Day, Bed of Nails is committed to donating 20% of all proceeds to Stop Poaching Now! So you can support your back and a great cause all at once!

Being able to give back, whether through our tree planting program or donating to nonprofits, is at the core of our organization's goal to make a positive difference in this world. Along with your wellbeing, we always prioritize the wellbeing of the planet and the animal life that we share it with.


Why Elephants?

We chose elephants, not just as our logo, but as a symbol that embodies the BON ethos. Elephants demonstrate great deals of physical and mental strength, two qualities that really resonate with our company and community. Physical strength is represented through the body and how we care for and nurture it. Mental strength is represented through our resilience and wisdom as we chose to live a happier and healthier life.

Our logo of the Indian elephant represents ancient wisdom of India, where Bed of Nails have been used by gurus for healing and meditation for thousands of years.


companies that support elephants


Stop Poaching Now 

Founded in 2014, Stop Poaching Now! is a US based nonprofit organization that works tirelessly to reduce the impact of illegal poaching in Africa. Along with raising awareness towards this very important cause, they also help support grassroots organizations and provide funding for conservation projects.

The role of Stop Poaching Now has been pivotal in raising awareness and bringing communities together to help reduce the detrimental effects of wildlife poaching. At Bed of Nails we support the ongoing work that Stop Poaching Now! is doing to support elephants and many other species throughout Africa.


supporting World Elephant Day


Other Ways to Support Elephants

It’s not just on World Elephant Day that you can show support for elephants. Elephants need our help each and every day. As you may know, the ivory trade exploits elephants by killing them for their tusks. Most illegal ivory being sold today is a result of recent elephant killings, with most ivory coming from elephants killed within the last three years.

This is a very real threat to elephant populations in Africa. Forest dwelling African elephants saw a 62% decrease in population from 2002 to 2013, according to the Great Elephant Census. This could have devastating effects on the environment in the years to come.

Obviously, the first action we can take is to refuse to participate in the ivory trade. Even refusing to purchase antique ivory sends a message to dealers that the product is not in demand. We can also educate others on the detrimental effects of this industry.

But elephants aren’t being exploited solely for their tusks. Everyday elephants around the world are abused for the tourism industry. From elephant rides to circus shows, these beautiful animals go through inhumane practices for this industry. Elephants are taken from the wild, abused until their wild spirit is broken and then overworked day after day to bring in tourism dollars. Abstaining from these cruel attractions while traveling means fewer and fewer elephants will be forced into this life.

One lesser known negative impact on elephants is the physical effect of riding on their backs. Did you know that despite an elephant's large size, riding them is actually really harmful for their bodies? Carrying a person on their neck can cause short term pain and long term spinal injury.

President of Elephant Aid International, Carol Buckley, explains that “instead of smooth, round spinal disks, elephants have sharp bony protrusions that extend upwards from their spine. These bony protrusions and the tissue protecting them are vulnerable to weight and pressure coming from above.”

And while we’d love to say our research and development team is busy at work developing the world’s first elephant acupressure mat, the easiest way to save an elephant’s back is to never ride them. Any elephant sanctuary that encourages elephant rides is no sanctuary at all.

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